4. Do Whatever It Takes (3/3)

4. Do Whatever It Takes (3/3)

Today, we'll explore the highly controversial topic of action taking, also known as step 3 "do whatever it takes"

I have very strong stands on what it takes to make it as a coach and life expert, proven by tons of detours and unnecessary pain loops that I put myself through in the past years and that I want to offer you here so you don't have to waste so much time, money, and energy.

To become fully booked, in demand and transform your life-changing skill intro a sustainable business.

I professionally grew up in the startup hustle culture of the early 2010s and once I transitioned into entrepreneurship I got sucked into the allowing wold of manifestation, so you can believe me that it took me 2 burnouts and a couple of years to find MY mode of work.

When you're only exposed to one kind of work mode, it can be hard to believe that it can go differently. And if you then see the the easy breezy boho hippie attitude of many self proclaimed gurus, the recipe is complete for utter inner confusion of what is now right or wrong.We're going to clean that mess up, once and for all.

Join me in today's episode to uncover the myths around "working hard" and making it happen.

There's a lot to unpack.So, let's dive in.

I'm Lilly Beyond, a self employed and LCS Certified Life Coach since 2018 with chronic headaches, undiagnosed ADD, and seasonal depression. I chose to not let those challenging circumstances not stop me any more. And I want to show you here how you can do, too.

• The practical difference between being an employee and being self employed
• The glue that holds your dream together
• What to do when you're neither the hustler nor the laid back receiver
• How to make sense of your physical needs in all of this
• What it truly takes to be your own boss

• Follow me on instagram @lillybeyond for daily boosts

